
I write about eBusiness, technical issues, research, and also publish literature. Here you can find a list of my most requested publications:

After harvesting data from over 85 million Hispanic website visits, I’ve gained a world-class understanding of Hispanics’ preferences and pain points (across a wide variety of industries and geographies).

Prepared talks include

* MySQL Best Practices
* PHP Web Development
* WordPress Web Development
* Traffic Increase via Multilingual Marketing
* CSS Frameworks
* Web Prototyping 101
* Modern SEO Practices
* eCommerce Implementation
* State of the Latin American Internet
* eCommerce in Latin America
* Dominican eCommerce: The First 20 Years
* Bitcoin, Ethereum and the Future of Cryptocurrencies
* Use of Math Olympiads to Bolster Education
* Latin American eGovernment: From Mexico to Chile
* A Century of Latin American Art (Picasso, Neruda, and Parra)

Workshops and Seminars

– eCommerce in DR. 3-Hour Seminar. 300+ Slides, including original economic and business research.

– Implementing eCommerce Solutions. 8-hour workshop using PHP, Magento, WordPress, Shopify, Stripe, Bitcoin, and other modern technologies.

– Website Prototyping 101. 2.5 Hour Workshop showcasing the basics about prototyping with demos and practical exercises covering Sketch, Invision, Balsamiq, paper prototyping, persona creation, design thinking, etc.

– Math in the 21st Century. 1.5 Hour Presentation for high-schoolers considering careers in STEM. Also ideal for math olympiad contestants and high-school seniors considering their next educational move.

Case Studies and Papers

– Leslorian Algebra, (In review, expected release in 2018)

– The Jail of Words, (In review, expected release in 2018)

Best Buy: Investing in Language Learning (a 2013 academic best-seller according to Bloomberg Business Week. Language learning strategies to target Latinos, compete vs eBusiness and physical stores and align capital budgeting to encompass a Hispanic customer base) (Buy on Harvard Business Review, 16 pages). Also available at the Darden Business Publishing and  IESE Publishing.


– DR and Latin American eCommerce Guide (2014)  (In Spanish titled eCommerce en RD). (Buy digital packet on Gumroad. Approx 400 pages)

– B2B Marketing in the Software Industry (Scribd, 13 Pages)

– Web Friendly version of the Dominican Constitution (Scribd, 34 Pages. Approx 17,000 downloads)


– The Jail of Words – In development (Expected release in 2018)

– Caliber 90 (Calibre 90) (2012)

– Caliginophobia (Caliginofobia) (2010)

– Constelation (Constelación) (2010)

– Greece Yolanda (Grecia Yolanda) (2009)

– Poems Written by a Bull (2011) (In Spanish titled Poemas Escritos por un Toro, 234 pages) (Buy on, 234 pages)

– Immortal (Inmortal) (2008)

– Bulls of Dignity (2008) (In Spanish titled Toros de la Dignidad) (Buy on, 154 pages)
Other books in Spanish:

Plays (Original Title in Spanish)

Bulls of Dignity – Theater (Toros de la Dignidad, Adaptación Teatral) (2011)

Preserved in the Following Anthologies

Hispanic Heritage Month’s Poetry Contest and Exhibition by the Miami-Dade Public Library, 2016

First Biennal of Short-Story Telling, San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic, 2009

Second International Encounter of Poets, San Ramón Costa Rica, 2008