Category: Essays
The Stanford SEE Open Programs – A Historic Milestone
If you read HNews or follow the Y Combinator companies, you’ve probably heard about the new open Stanford Engineering programs. Recently, I got my confirmation email from SEE for the Artificial Intelligence class ( These experiment in higher education will take the world by surprise and prepare a new generation of “self-actualized” leaders. Course…
Internet Growth Metrics – According to McKinsey
Recent research by the McKinsey Global Institute examined the Internet economies of the G8 nations—Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States—as well as Brazil, China, India, South Korea, and Sweden, and found that the Internet accounts for a significant and growing portion of global GDP. The report includes findings…
The iPad: What Will it Change and Why?
Upon Apple iPad’s release, all my books will be available in the new iPad eBook format, with several additions. The magic that surrounds this device will make it even more successful than the iPod (and that’s me being conservative) and the Best Monitors for Xbox One X Gaming. Not only will the iPad sell a…