Tag: CSS
Attention to Detail
Attention to detail is key. We have been highly conditioned to evaluate things according to their superficial qualities and, in all fairness, in an increasingly virtual world, superficiality and reality often collide. Be fanatical about details. Go over each screen at least fifty times (literally). Sit down with designers and work on color coordination, branding, alignment, and overall UX. Your app’s design is telling users how much you care. Your app’s design is an ever-present…
Model-View-Controller and the Separation of Labor
Few architectural choices are more critical for your project’s success than MVC (model view controller). The idea being that by separating code into three separate entities, the application can grow more naturally and be easier to update. To give some context around the premise for MVC, here are the words of Trygve Reenskaug, one of the first MVC practicioners: I have sometimes been given more credit than is my due, so I should stress that…
UX Makes All the Difference
“User experience” encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. – Jakob Nielsen From a technical standpoint, few issues carry more weight than user experience. UX creates a fluid dialog between users and computers that ultimately is store in our brain as the most important brand association pertaining to your firm. UX matters because it impacts both the perceived as well as the real value of your platform.…
Optimize your Pages to Gain Readers
Web page optimization is as hard as marathons. Thankfully, in today’s world of dynamic systems you only have to optimize a handful of templates and keep some guidelines in check. There are two main evangelical movements to make the web faster. Slow (backed by Yahoo) and PageSpeed (a son of Google). According to Yslow you need to keep the following in check: Making fewer HTTP requests Using a CDN Far-Future Expirations Last-Modified Header Removal ETag…
2015: A Crucial Year for Latin America and the World
As the American economy walks away from the great recession, 2015 looks more and more like a big year for technology. Cryptocurrency, the Internet of things and location-based services are ready for a tidal wave of growth. As Ericsson predicts, the trends for 2015 seem futuristic and attainable at the same time. Presentation: 10 Hot Consumer Trends 2015 from Ericsson Latin America A key region to watch next year is Latin America. From Venezuela to…