Tag: Mobile
Model-View-Controller and the Separation of Labor
Few architectural choices are more critical for your project’s success than MVC (model view controller). The idea being that by separating code into three separate entities, the application can grow more naturally and be easier to update. To give some context around the premise for MVC, here are the words of Trygve Reenskaug, one of the first MVC practicioners: I…
Dear Linux, Please Go Back to School
You have a big problem dear Linux. You’re not discoverable. And that’s holding back an entire industry. In fact, it’s holding back our entire planet. Dear Linux, I am sick and can’t take it anymore. The five most common problems of Linux are drivers, interoperability, talent, fragmentation and legal issues. However theres another elephant in the…
UX Makes All the Difference
“User experience” encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. – Jakob Nielsen From a technical standpoint, few issues carry more weight than user experience. UX creates a fluid dialog between users and computers that ultimately is store in our brain as the most important brand association pertaining…
Clash of Giants: Apple vs Google
Google and Apple are chasing the same customers from seemingly orthogonal angles. Apple wants a design conscious, privacy guarding customer with a refined taste and a fat credit card. However, Google is content with just about everybody as long as they open up their lives to the borg. Free vs paid, open vs closed, client…
Experience Meerkat and Periscope
The future of online streaming is here. Both Meerkat and Periscope provide nice ecosystems so film and live stream your life over mobile devices. My experience with Meerkat a couple of days ago was simply amazing and I very much prefer it over Periscope. These two platforms are riding a new wave of innovation that…
Mobile is King
We love the mobile experience. Content at your fingertips, closer interaction with our computers and unprecedented ease of use. Over time our subconscious realizes that using mobile platforms is easier than opening our laptop’s web browser and we perform more and more tasks on our mobile devices. Compound this reality with the growth metrics of…